Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Spelling and Grammar

"I know my grammar and spelling are not the best in the world, but when you are operating a business or trying to get someone to take you serious. Please use proper grammar and yeah, nup, dude, man, cool gr8 m8 and so on so forth are not good enough. Call me a prude."
This was my personal Facebook status just a little while ago.

I belong to a few groups on Facebook and
"one dude was there tryn to pro his business".
I am sorry you are what.
What is wrong with "Hi there my name is "" and I would like you all to know that I am running a business and it is called XYZ and if you are interested you can call me on ......."

He then responded with "yeh man I cum get rid of ya sht for ews."

There is no room in Business for that sort of talk. It drives me mad.
As one of my lovely friends Belinda put it so perfectly
agree for sure! Not that you are a prude LOL, but there is no place for slang and text speak in business :) unless its the word AWESOME ;)
I do not care if you use LOL, ROFL and a few smiley faces.
But please speak proper English it is not that difficult, I do believe it is still taught at school here in Australia.
Oh and use a spell checker, if you do not have one download one they are free.
Please also remember we are in Australia and we have totally different spelling to the US.
I have to keep reminding my children it is Zed not Zee!

Oh and we use an "S" more often than not!
It is tyre not tire
We also spell it colour, neighbour, behaviour
I know I am guilty of wanting to hit the "like" button on an email or in a real life conversation saying LOL.
But when it comes to business I really try hard to be correct.

Okay stepping off now


1 comment:

  1. Gill - I'm completely with you on this one. 100% couldn't have put it better myself.

    You go girl!!! (is it ok to say that?).

    You're (not your) AWESOME!

